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Chapter 27- Vacations

In his 30’s and 40’s, Chuck averaged 1 vacation a decade. Once he got his liquor stores off the ground, he averaged about 2 vacations a year. In this chapter of “Life Behind the Counter-the Story of Chuck Evans and his Liquor Stores”, you will read about:

  • The vacation that Chuck took that made Chuck give up on vacations for the next 20 years.
  • The one and only family vacation that we had while Robert and I were children.
  • Chuck’s many vacation trips to Cuba and why this was his favorite vacation destination.
  • Chuck’s many trips to South America wine country, with my mom’s humorous reaction to a particular vineyard’s best bottle of wine.

Averaged out over his lifetime, Chuck took a normal amount of vacations. Once he got a taste for getting away for a week or so, he went as often as he could. In my next chapter preview, I’ll discuss the many bootleggers that were some of Chuck’s best customers. Thanks for following along!