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Chapter 28- The Bootleggers

It’s different today, but in the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s bootleggers were a major force in the adult beverage industry. Chuck had many good customers that either made their living or supplemented their living by bootlegging alcohol. In this chapter of “Life Behind the Counter-the Story of Chuck Evans and his Liquor Stores”, you will read about:

  • how Chuck’s store on Louisville Road was a perfect location for serving the area bootleggers.
  • how local law enforcement tried to catch Chuck’s bootleg customers.
  • Chuck’s two biggest bootleggers, both of whom lived out-of-state.
  • bootleggers from Warren, Barren, Hart, Metcalfe and Monroe Counties.
  • bootleggers that worked out of legitimate businesses.

Chuck’s bootleg customers were some of his favorite people. Plus, they helped his sales reach very high numbers. It’s one of the longest chapters in this book and one of the most interesting. In my next preview, we’ll look at some of the employees that worked with Chuck over the years. Thanks for following along!