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Chapter 30-Delivery Guys

I try to use gender neutral language in most cases, but decided to title Chapter 30 “Delivery Guys” because in this instance all of the deliveries to the stores were made by men. Of course, there would be daily deliveries of beer, wine and liquor. But Chuck’s stores also had soft drinks, cigarettes, paper bags, ice, potato chips and many other items delivered on a regular basis. Many of these delivery guys became very good friends with Chuck and in this chapter I’ll highlight:

  • Two guys that delivered beer to the store and would spend hours there each day. They are both now deceased.
  • A father and son team that delivered Tom’s chips, nabs and snacks.
  • A couple of other delivery guys that I can’t recall their full names, but they were lots of fun to be around.
  • One guy who delivered the most unique item to the liquor stores.

The assortment of delivery guys that made their way into the liquor stores made the work days fun and interesting. Some we just saw once a week. Others were in the stores hours every day. In my next chapter preview, we’ll look at the many liquor salespeople who sold liquor and wine to Chuck over the years. Thanks for following!